
Nikken is a network marketing company that started in Japan in 1975. They entered the US market in 1989 and it has been growing rapidly since then. The main product offered by this company are magnets used for therapy and body pain.

I was approached about this business and it seemed interesting, but obviously I had to try the products first. I am open minded and always ready to try something new within reason, so I got some of the magnetic insoles for shoes.

In the beginning, I did see an increase in strength and at night I would put them under my mattress. They were supposed to help you sleep better, but that seemed to have no benefit for me.

After using the magnets for a little while, I started to have a real problem with fatigue. I was assured that it had nothing to do with these products, but after I discontinued the use of them, the fatigue seemed to disappear. I can’t say they affect everyone like this, but I am pretty sure the magnets were the reason.

In my opinion, Nikken reps push the limits of truth and I've heard some fantastical claims about what their magnets can do. I know of Nikken distributors that surf the net seeking out anyone who has admitted to having any imaginable affliction and then giving them a sales pitch about how the magnets are the magic cure. I simply could not imagine going to those lengths to sell any product.

The pay plan created for the American distributor is a little rough around the edges and a larger than average initial investment than most other mlm companies is suggested. Though you can join at an intro price of $49.95 for the sales kit. It is recommended that you purchase the Demo Pack along with the Career Pack and this is when it starts to get really expensive.

Stocking the products is also necessary because when someone wants them, you need to be able to provide them immediately. I know that I went to a home meeting and if I would have had to wait for the products, I am sure I would have changed my mind!

Not to mention the obscene mark-ups on these products, the biggest problem with Nikken for their distributors to overcome is the questionable benefits of their magnets. The Baylor study on magnetic therapy, which is the basis for Nikken’s claims, is now being seriously challenged by healthcare professionals.

Given the unusual nature of this company and the widely varying opinions on the benefits that magnet therapy provides, I personally decided not to spend the amount of money that would be necessary to really make a go of it!

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