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Mike FilsaimeMike Filsaime makes staggering claims about how much money he makes on the internet. He has made claims of $30,000 to as high as $75,000. Now you are about to find out the Truth! Anyone with even the slightest curiousity would be impressed with those numbers, but are they real? There is no real way to verify his claims, but I don't doubt it. You will definitely see his name on a lot of different products. So obviously he is doing many Joint Ventures with MANY different people.
One thing is for sure, he is very popular online and that is a testment to his marketing ability, but whether or not he can actually teach you to do the same is the question.
You will have plenty of chances to find out because Mike Filsaime has associated his name on MANY, MANY, MANY products that he will constantly try to sell you.
His ButterFly Marketing Manuscript caused quite a stir when it was introduced for $1900 and now there are people selling it all over the place, cheap. There are many mixed feelings about it's effectiveness.
He was instrumental in creating PayDotCom.com, this is a Clickbank type of website that offers affiliates products to sell, but with a twist. He actually CHARGES a fee to be a member unlike ClickBank which is free.
The approach he takes is similar to Deric Gehl in that he is definitely a practitioner of ABC, "Always Be Closing!" Mike Filsaime typically is trying to involve you in something that keeps you paying month after month. Smart really, but expensive for you.
He has many Joint Venture partners and he sells their stuff like it is going out of style, but he also creates his own like Job Crusher, ButterFly Marketing, TheSevenFigureIncomeSecrets, ReviewCrusher, and Niche Marketing Products. It truly is just one thing after another!
I mean this guy is a selling machine. He offers so many new things, it seems like it is something new every other day. I have purchased a couple myself and quite honestly, I was not to pleased.
Most of the products associated with Mike Filsaime are expensive and I have been offering information about most of the same things for a LONG Time, at know where near the kind of money that he asks.
Without a doubt, Mike Filsaime has some useful things to offer, but he kind of drags it out with one EXPENSIVE offer after another. There are quicker, easier, and much less expensive ways to get set up and making money With a REAL Internet Business.
I am not the 10 Million Dollar A Year Man, I am just a regular guy with YEARS of practical experience and a lot of Internet Success. I have done very well online and I did it with a very simple concept and an even simpler way to implement it. To see Click Here