Auto AuctionsThere is no shortage of car auctions and now the internet is a big part of the business. With all of the auto auction sites, it is difficult to determine which are legitimate. We get so many requests for information about car auto auction sites and we know that you don't have time to check them all out, so we did it for you. If you have been to this website before then you already know that we cut through the hype, promises, and slick graphics to find out what is real and what is fake! Every Auction website claims to deliver the best cars at the best prices in the most locations. There are Public Auctions, Police Auto Auctions, Government Car Auctions, Repo Auctions, and many different types of Dealer Auctions, so a legitimate program to help you through it is very useful. Unfortunately, very few of these programs deliver what they promise. There are many different types of auction sites, some charge a one-time fee and others charge on a monthly basis. We have found that it is better to pay a ONE-TIME membership fee, because, unless you are going into the car business there is no reason to have a recurring charge AND it was VERY difficult to stop the ones that charge a monthly fee from charging you, even after you cancel it! Many of the Auto Auction sites are not updated regularly, they have auction contact information that is inaccurate or outdated, and you get bombarded with emails advertising almost everything imaginable. If you join the wrong program, it can be very annoying to deal with the emails and to find that the information the program offers is not very helpful. When we first started researching these programs we had the idea that we would just pay the low monthly fee and that way we could still check it out and spend less money, but in almost every case, it cost way more than the monthly fee because it was almost impossible to get them to stop charging. On the other hand, the programs with a One-Time fee do not have authorization to charge more than once, so it is much easier to deal with. There is a lot of different angles that these sites come at you with, many are nothing more than just a way to advertise all sorts of things and put your name on tons of mailing lists, but we did find a couple that were actually worth the money. One does charge a monthly fee as well as a ONE-TIME fee, but from our experience, we do not suggest the monthly recurring fee. It may seem cheaper, but it can end up costing you a lot more. The right Auto Auction website can be extremely helpful if you are looking for a good deal on a car, but the wrong one can be a real pain and charge you ridiculous commission fees for helping you find a car. Of the sites we researched you will find the top picks below.
Top Car Auction Sites (See Reviews Below) Site Link Rating Guarantee One-Time Fee Car-Auctions.com 5 out of 5 90 days $29.95 StateAuctions.org 4.5 90 days $34.95 CheapCarSearch.com 4.0 9o days $34.95 SeizeCars.com 3.5 90 days $49.00 __________________________________________________________
This is the top pick when it comes to Auction sites on the internet, Car-Auctions has helped thousands of people to find cars for pennies on the dollar. You can bid online or receive immediate access to the sources where cars are being auctioned in your area. You will also have access to many other auctions for Trucks, motorcycles, boats, almost anything that has an engine. As an added bonus, you get access to Government Auctions, Seized Property Auctions, Unclaimed Monies, and much more. This site is the ultimate guide to finding incredible prices on many normally high priced items. Along with the tips and suggestions on how to get the most out of auctions, the custormer service is very accessable and helpful. If you are serious about taking advantage of auctions this is the top pick! Membership: $29.95 To Check it out for yourself: Click Here ___________________________________ StateAuctions.org 4.5 out of 5 StateAuctions.org is right up their at the top of the list of auction sites, giving you access to Cars, Boats, Property, Real Estate, and more. If it were not for Car-Auctions.com this would be our top pick. The company has been around for a while and has a very good reputation, an easy to navigate site, and good customer service. You will receive immidate and unlimited access to the data base of auctions that are updated frequently. Of the hundreds of auction sites, only one ranks higher than this. It is a great value and you can't go wrong. Membership: $34.95 To Check it out for yourself: Click Here ___________________________________ CheapCarSearch.com 4.0 out of 5 This site is excellent for finding used cars for pennies, bid online or find auction sources near you. You will find seized cars, repos, trucks, boats, SUV's, all makes and models from economy to luxury vehicles, many up to 90% off! This program offers some unique sources from our other top picks and guaranteed listings in each state. The site is pretty easy to navigate, the customer service is good, and it is updated frequently. A top pick compared to most auction sites. Membership: $34.95 To check it out for yourself: Click Here ____________________________________ SeizeCars.com 3.5 out of 5 This is the newest addition to our top picks. This site has been around for a while, but they just recently changed their format and website layout and made it much easier and user friendly. Here you can find Autos, Boats, Trucks, SUV's, and motorcycles being auctioned over the internet or in your local area. You will also have access to other auctions such as Confiscated Property, IRS, DEA, and local tax authority auctions. This site also offers additional bonus programs that can also be very useful. With the upgraded navigation, customer service, and site layout, this site has moved to our top picks list and is an excellent auction resource. Membership: $49.00 To check it out for yourself: Click Here
Top Car Auction Sites (See Reviews Below) Site Link Rating Guarantee One-Time Fee Car-Auctions.com 5 out of 5 90 days $29.95 StateAuctions.org 4.5 90 days $34.95 CheapCarSearch.com 4.0 9o days $34.95 SeizeCars.com 3.5 90 days $49.00 __________________________________________________________ |